Solar panels are one of Boutique Homes’ most popular premium upgrade offerings and could be your answer to Australia’s rising cost of living.

Designed to significantly offset your energy bills, particularly during cold Victorian winters, solar panels also offer a feel-good way to reduce your carbon footprint.

‘Following numerous customer requests, Boutique Homes started offering Chromagen solar panels as a premium upgrade in late 2022,’ explains Boutique Homes Lifestyle Category Manager, Elissa Guarnera.


Boutique Homes Lifestyle Cateory Manager, Elissa Guarnera.

‘I think people are becoming more and more conscious of our impact on the environment and rising energy bills, and solar offers a low-maintenance and affordable solution to both.’

But why does it pay to introduce solar panels during construction, rather than after handover? Below, we explore three key benefits of including solar as part of your build:

1. You receive a fixed price for your solar

The solar panel industry can be a little tremulous, warns Elissa, so it pays to find a trusted supplier. Quality varies greatly depending on the company you choose, and price hikes and foreclosures are common.

‘The price a company quotes you at the beginning of your build, can look very different six months later when you receive your keys,’ explains Elissa.

Thankfully, when you work your solar into your building contract, you’re guarantee delivery and price.

‘We manage everything – from sourcing the panels and installation, to applying for the government’s solar rebates. So, you save money and stress.’

Having solar included as part of your build also means your energy bills are offset from the moment you move in.

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At Boutique Homes, solar is one of our premium upgrade options included at your Lifestyle Design Appointment. So, once you’ve signed on the dotted line, you receive an upfront fixed price and peace of mind that your solar panels will be delivered.

Boutique Homes Lifestyle Category Manager, Elissa Guarnera.

2. The price of solar is packaged into your mortgage

Including solar in your building contract puts more cash in your own pocket.

‘We can include solar as part of your fixed package price. So, you don’t have to find the cash upfront – instead, your solar is included as part of your mortgage,’ explains Elissa.

Good news for anyone on a tighter budget. With payments spread out over a 25-to-30-year loan term, it’s a cost-effective and affordable way to enjoy the benefits of solar.

3. Your solar hardware is hidden from sight

Incorporating your solar panels into your build plan means your solar panels become practically invisible.

The specialist Boutique Homes team will work out the best placement of your solar panels based on the orientation of your home and council regulations. Your hardware can then be hidden from sight as part of your build.

‘Your inverter and battery will be located in your garage, with cables hidden within the external walls rather than running up the side of the home, as they would if you purchased solar post-handover,’ says Elissa.

‘Having the solar panels accounted for from the get-go means we can allow for any roof penetrations, such as ventilation, coming through the roof. We can also ensure your solar hot water system, which takes up two panels of roof space, doesn’t get in the way of your system.’

Boutique Homes offers premium Chromogen solar panels ranging from 4kw to 8kw units, along with multiple battery storage options to meet every floorplan and budget.

Find out more about the benefits of including solar into your new build.

Get in touch with a New Homes Consultant today!

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