You’ve built your dream home, received the keys, and put the champagne on ice. Now, it’s time to move in! There’s a lot to consider when moving into your new home.

To help get a head-start on organising some of the important things leading up to your move (and to make it as stress free as possible) we’ve put together the below checklist for you.

The first thing to do is create a comprehensive to-do list. Work out which tasks you can complete in advance and which need to be done on moving day. Then, plug these into a calendar. For example, defrosting the fridge and dismantling furniture can be done a day or two in advance, while collecting packing boxes and booking a removalist can be completed months before your move-in date.

Additional tip: In the weeks leading up to the move, allocate set days to pack certain rooms. Having a clear action plan will keep you on track and in control.

While you may not know the exact date you’ll receive your keys, we’d suggest keeping in close contact with your Site Supervisor to book your professional movers as soon as possible. Why? Because the further you book in advance, the cheaper these services tend to be.

If possible, choose a day earlier in the week as weekends tend to be busier and attract higher rates. If you’re moving from an apartment complex, you might need to consider booking the lift if your Building Manager won’t allow you to move out on a weekend. What’s more, moving on a Monday or Tuesday means you have the entire week to unpack so you can head into your weekend feeling settled in your new home.

To avoid the inconvenience of booking a moving company and having them not turn up on time – or at all – it pays to do your research. Look for reputable companies with plenty of positive customer reviews.

If you can, have the company inspect the property in person or via video at the time of your booking. This can help the moving company provide a more accurate quote and organise any special tools or labour they may need on the day. Lastly, check their refund and damages policy, and their payment terms. For example, do they expect payment in advance? And will they replace any lost or damaged items? These are all questions you’ll need answers to before signing on the dotted line.

Additional tip: Check the fine print to see the full scope of their services – will they help you pack boxes or only move them? Does their service cover bags and suitcases or boxes only? Can they help you properly wrap or drape expensive items such as couches?

You’re about to step into a brand-new home. What an opportunity for a fresh start! Think carefully about what you want to bring to your new space because now is the perfect time for a declutter. Consider your big-ticket furniture items and what works in each room of your new home – are there pieces you plan to replace and can potentially sell?

It’s also worth taking a closer look at your build plans and measuring your big furniture items so you know what will fit – particularly your fridge and couch.

Additional tip: Decide which clothes, books and kitchen utensils you can donate or give away and the older items you can throw out. Reducing your personal belongings can make the move-in process much easier and potentially cheaper.

Source a mix of smaller and medium sized boxes from your local liquor store or purchase boxes from Bunnings. Keep in mind that large boxes may fit more items, but you’ll still need to lift them. While you’re at it, pick up any other items you’ll need on the day like:

  • Moving tape and roller
  • Bubble wrap
  • Newspapers
  • Rope
  • Garbage bags
  • Furniture pads
  • Scissors
  • Pens and permanent markers

It’s important to have both home and contents insurance arranged before you receive your keys. This will cover both the home and your valuables in the event of loss or damage through an insured event such as fire, theft or storm. Research and compare insurance companies based on the value of your property and contents.

There’s nothing worse than moving in and having no lights or aircon! Let your power, gas and water supplier at your current property know you’re moving. Just remember to ask for a disconnection date after your cleaners would have finished. This is also the time to set up utility accounts for your new home.

Additional tip: When you build a home with us, your gas & electricity is already connected with Energy Australia. Once you get your keys, contact Energy Australia to either maintain your connection and update your details OR cancel, and reconnect with another provider.

Rely on Netflix for your daily dose of entertainment? The NBN™ network is an upgrade to Australia’s existing phone and internet infrastructure. Your local retail service provider (RSP) will have differing costs and speeds depending on your location and their plans. Check your address via this link for a list of RSPs in your area.

Update your address with important Government and private organisations a few weeks before you move-in. This includes:

  • MyGov and the Australian Taxation Office
  • Your employer
  • eElectoral role
  • VicRoads – driver’s license and car registration
  • Councils
  • Banks
  • Super providers
  • Schools / daycare centres
  • Car insurance provider
  • Your annual mail subscriptions

In case you forget to notify anyone of your change of address, plan to redirect your mail a week in advance. You can pay for your mail to be redirected for one to 12 months with Australia Post.


Visit your council website, and lodge a ‘request’ for your new home bins. The bins should be delivered within a week (depending on your council).


If a letterbox isn’t included as part of your contract, browse the web or head out to your local Bunnings to select the right letterbox for your home before receiving your keys.


Jigsaw items are those that are difficult to take apart and then put back together. Think the back of electricals such as your TV or fridge, or your flatpack furniture. Taking photos of how fiddly ports, pipes or screws connect will make for a much smoother assembly once you move into your new home.


The last thing you want to do is leave all the packing until the last week or the last few days. Think about all the items that can be packed away early without much trouble such as decorative items, winter coats, books and the like. Yes, you’ll need to be prepared to live in a home that’s a little bare for a while, but the upside is saving yourself the stress of manically trying to sort everything out at the very last minute.


How you pack your boxes matters. For a pain-free move, ensure heavier items are in smaller boxes and use a packing roller to reinforce and seal the bottom. Pack boxes tightly, using tea towels or sheets to fill gaps – movers won’t want to handle boxes that are moving around too much.

Additional tip: Pack and label each box by room, with a short description of the items it contains on the side of the box. That way, you’ll still be able to see the writing once the boxes are stacked, and the movers will know exactly where they need to go. Don’t forget to clearly mark any fragile boxes!

Top points to consider:

  • Plants: Lightly spray your houseplants before moving them, but don’t soak them because pots full of water are too heavy to move. Pack your plants tightly into a clear container so you can unpack them as soon as possible.
  • Plates: Wrap plates in newspaper and pack them vertically in a box to help minimise the risk of breakage.
  • Bathroom bottles: Place toiletries in clear plastic bags in case of spillage.

Additional tip: When your moving truck arrives, load heavy furniture first.

You probably won’t unpack everything at once, so it pays to have items you’ll need straight away within easy reach. Put together an overnight bag containing toiletries, a change of clothes, tea/coffee, chargers, kettle and medicines. Keep the bag in your car, rather than the moving truck, so it doesn’t go missing!


Put together a collection of cleaning products for move-out day. There are always spills, dust and grime you’ll want to give a once-over as the boxes are packed. They also come in handy in your new home for benches and shelves that might need a quick wipe down before you unpack.


Make sure important documents and expensive, sentimental or fragile items are packed separately and go into your car. Better safe than sorry!


Through our industry-leading aftercare program, Boutique Assist, we offer a superior 12-month warranty service, so your new home has enough time to settle and experience all four seasons.

When moving in, you may notice some minor cracks or faults that you missed during your final inspection. Take notes and photos as you move and unpack so you can email them to our After Care customer service team who’ll be happy to assist.

Additional tip: Don’t forget to take notes and photos of any damages to your rental or former home for your records.

Move-in day is incredibly busy, and it’s unlikely you’ll get everything unpacked and organised right away. When it comes time to crash for the night, the last thing you’ll want to do is place a duvet cover and protective sheets. So, as soon as you’re able, make your bed!

Haven’t made the move to build just yet?

Speak to one of our friendly New Homes Consultants to begin your home ownership journey today.



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