Taking care of yourself is essential, but sometimes it’s difficult to find the time or resources to go on a luxurious retreat. However, with a little bit of planning and creativity, you can create your own self-care retreat right in the comfort of your own home. By carving out dedicated time for yourself and setting up a space for relaxation and rejuvenation, you can enjoy the benefits of a retreat without ever leaving your front door.

Whether it’s a cosy reading nook in the corner of your master bedroom or converting an unused bedroom into a meditation or yoga space, a touch of paint and some clever styling is often all that’s needed.

Below, we explore some tips and ideas for creating a self-care retreat at home, so you can prioritise your well-being and recharge your batteries whenever you need to.

1. Pick a space with plenty of natural light

Exposure to natural light has been shown to have a range of health benefits, including a more positive mood and improved sleep.  So, if possible, make sure your self-care area is near a window. Steer away from bright white lights – low lighting and playful shadows are the aim of the game.

Read more: Light up your home: How to create effective and beautiful home lighting.

You might choose to incorporate fairy or twinkle lights into the space or a muted floor lamp offering a soft, warm glow. If downlights are your only lighting option, make sure you install dimmer switches so you’re always in control of their brightness. As for window furnishings? Opt for sheer window furnishings that offer privacy while remaining soft and subtle.

2. Prioritise plenty of storage

Clutter is the enemy of comfort – when your surroundings are busy, your brain is too. So, when it comes to designing a self-care space, less is more! Keeping your sanctuary open and clutter-free comes down to fantastic storage. Ensure any items you don’t need are hidden from sight in your built-in-robe or custom joinery, or even behind a divider.

Open timber-look shelving is also a great option for displaying items that match the purpose of the space, such as candles, diffusers, greenery, and framed artwork.

3. Stick to a calming colour palette

Psychology research has long shown the power of colour on the mind, body, and emotions. Stick to a base of warm-toned creams and whites, and then incorporate splashes of feature hues that suit the desired outcome of your self-care space. Browns and beige tend to bring a sense of warmth and comfort, while cool greens and light blues have been shown to evoke feelings of tranquillity, peace and hope.

4. Choose tactile and soft furnishings

Add to the snugness of your space with a woven blanket and soft, textured throw cushions in materials such as velvet. A feature armchair for reading or meditating is also a must.

You can also try incorporating a soft, faux fur rug and floor cushions into your self-care space. This’ll help encourage you to feel more grounded and spend more time with your bare feet on the ground.

5. Incorporate natural elements

There’s nothing more relaxing than spending time in nature – just take a walk along the beach or a hike in the mountains to see what we mean! So, it makes sense to bring natural materials and elements into your home.

Wicker chairs, stained timber coffee tables or furniture made from stone, leather, wool, and linen are fantastic choices. And as with all home designs, don’t forget to incorporate plenty of potted greenery.

6. Engage your senses

Your sight and touch are easily considered during the interior design process. But when it comes to relaxation and self-care, what you hear, and smell matters too. Incorporating a diffuser with essential oils in lavender and chamomile can help to lessen anxiety and promote relaxation. Alternatively, the flickering glow of a candle is a fantastic way to bring a sense of calm and comfort to your space.

As for your ears? Consider installing a surround sound entertainment system to play natural white noise – such as the flow of a waterfall or the creak of a forest – or your favourite soothing playlist.

7. Don’t forget your personal touches

Your self-care space needs to incorporate just that – self! Whether it’s your favourite mug or book, a journal to jot down your thoughts, a framed picture of your most beloved landscape or your favourite scent. Make sure the room feels like ‘you’ and elicits positive, comforting memories.

Building your own home means creating a bespoke space to meet your needs and lifestyle. You can find more interior design tips and inspiration on the Boutique Life blog.

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