Consistently offering highly appraised modern façades, we’ve expanded our façade repertoire with the coastal themed Hamptons façade and now the Georgian themed Manor façade.

This new façade is on display at Minta estate and Alamora estate.

Seeing such popularity with the Hamptons façade in modern façade seeking Melbourne, Senior Designer for Boutique Homes Rob Nguyen said the company was searching for the next big thing in traditional and decided upon a Georgian inspired theme.

‘The first step was researching what Georgian was. We looked at a lot of old English homes to see what the Georgian elements were and we did our interpretation of that,’ says Rob.

‘It was about bringing some brickwork in, mirroring the proportions and getting a lot of weight in the bottom to give that grand feeling, as well as keeping the mouldings and parapet windows to give that traditional touch which is present in all Georgian style façades.’


After the initial design elements were in place, the Manor façade was first applied to the Airlie floor plan, and then subsequently resized to ensure it was applicable with other floor plans.

‘In the volume game, you do have to factor this into consideration. If it were just a one-off you would never have to think about how the façade would work on different houses. It helps if the design is considered from the start to ensure that everything was transferable, that everything was stretchable,’ explains Rob.

While the Manor façade has traditional elements ingrained in the design, you can still tailor the feature colours to create your own façade unique to your own desire and preference.

‘The Manor is a Georgian inspired theme, not strictly Georgian, it’s a modern interpretation of a traditional style so it does have the ability to be taken in a modern way,’ says Rob.

Should you wish to keep a traditionally Georgian colour scheme, Rob recommends selecting white, grey and brown shades.

For a modern take, he suggests optioning for a dark render and dark brick, which does highlight the features.

‘You can work your own preferences into the style without deviating too far from the tradition, you might think the red brick doesn’t work but it can. Have some pictures in mind and bring them in, get some picture examples of features that you like and that have worked,’ recommends Rob.

Parkville 31 with Manor facade at Minta estate


Where can I see the Georgian Manor façade?    

You can visit one of our Georgian Manor façade display homes at any of these locations:


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