Are you thinking of maximising the value of your land by diving into the world of multi-dwelling dual occupancy builds?

It can be an incredible investment for downsizers, investors and owner-occupiers alike, maximising the value of your land by building two or more homes on one block.

But an element of multi-dwelling or dual occupancy builds that often gets forgotten is the subdivision process.

‘Subdivided blocks with two houses are also looked upon more favourably by lenders, so it’s always worth including subdivision as part of the construction process.’

The good news? Engaging a full-service multi-dwelling builder who works with qualified consultants can save you time, money and headaches by managing everything from subdivision and demolition, to design.


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Subdivision is required if you intend to sell your property down the track or if you want to future-proof your build against any government regulation changes

Boutique Developments Consultant, Andrew Nixon.


Here’s three reasons you should always look for an experienced multi-dwelling dual occupancy builder who consults with trusted subdivision experts:

1. Your build will be completed as quickly as possible

A dual occupancy project is like a car engine – it only takes one faulty part to wreak havoc on the entire machine. A full-service dual occupancy builder will have oversight over your entire project and will work with qualified consultants to ensure your build, including subdivision, is structured correctly from the outset.

‘Subdivision can be a very complex process, especially in the more particular councils. To avoid delays and issues down the track, it’s important the subdivision process happens concurrently with construction,’ says Andrew.

‘At Boutique Developments, the subdivision planning and applications are managed by our expert consultants in the background. At no point should subdivision hold up the progress of your build.’

2. It takes the stress and hassle out of the subdivision process

There’s nothing worse than copious amounts of paperwork – especially when you are having to learn the intricate building bylaws from scratch.

Once your building construction commences, it’s time to kickstart the subdivision permit and application process. This includes engaging professional surveyors, working to install utilities such as power and water, and working with planning and council to ensure paperwork is submitted correctly. It’s a complex process, which requires an in-depth knowledge of council restrictions and laws.

‘Our dedicated team and qualified subdivision consultants will take on the burden of administration, paperwork and other nitty-gritty details. If any challenges do come up, they know how to liaise with you and the council to solve them,’ explains Andrew.

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An experienced builder working with highly qualified consultants will make for a hassle-free and smooth dual occupancy build, saving you time and stress.

Boutique Developments Consultant, Andrew Nixon.

3. You know exactly what things will cost

With a full-service builder, there’s limited budget blowouts.

‘Too often, I’ve seen customers engage an inexperienced builder who doesn’t fully understand the various fees associated with the subdivision process. This means they’ll quote incorrectly and the customer is hit with unexpected costs down the track,’ says Andrew.

‘An experienced builder will be able offer upfront, fixed and transparent pricing for your entire project, offering you peace of mind.’

Subdividing as part of the construction process may also avoid a double up in costs.

‘Licenced Surveyors won’t acknowledge another surveyor’s documentation or title pegs. They will always need to complete their own site works, so it’s always best to subdivide during construction,’ explains Andrew.

‘Qualified consultants will also be able ensure your subdivision makes the most of your block’s size and orientation, while also meeting council requirements. It’s all about maximising your investments and potential future gains.’

Have you got your eye on a lot of land perfect for subdivision?

Boutique Developments is one of the only full-service dual occupancy builders in Victoria and can take care of your entire dual occupancy project for you.

Reach out to one of Boutique Developments friendly dual occupancy experts for an obligation-free chat.